Disclaimer For Staking
Legal Disclaimer
Not Investment Advice All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, nor as an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any financial instrument. Always consult with a qualified professional before making any investment or financial decisions.
Limitation of Liability This site shall not be held liable for any form of loss, damage, or liability, whether direct or indirect, arising from the use of our staking services or from fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices. Users are solely responsible for the consequences of their own investment decisions.
Price Volatility Cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, and there is a risk of partial or total loss of your investment. Before participating in staking or trading, consider your personal financial situation and investment objectives carefully.
Compliance with Applicable Laws Users are required to comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and directives of their respective jurisdictions. Staking or trading cryptocurrencies may be restricted or prohibited in certain countries or regions.
Accuracy and Updates of Information We do not guarantee that all information provided on this site is accurate or up-to-date at all times. Market conditions and regulatory landscapes can change rapidly, and users are responsible for staying informed and making decisions based on the most current information.
Risk Warnings
High Volatility Participation in staking and cryptocurrency trading involves significant volatility, and sudden, unexpected price movements may occur.
Liquidity Risk Low market liquidity at certain times may prevent you from selling or withdrawing assets when desired.
Technical Risk Blockchain networks, smart contracts, and wallet services can be vulnerable to hacking, system errors, and network delays. Such events may affect your assets.
Tax & Accounting Cryptocurrency-related tax laws and accounting standards vary by country and can change over time. Users should seek appropriate tax and accounting advice.
Participation in Events or Promotions Any event (e.g., airdrops, bonuses, prize draws) may be subject to separate terms and conditions and could be canceled if certain participation thresholds are not met. Be sure to review the specific terms when participating in any promotion.
Last updated